Ladies and Gentlemen

<-- Will you bring your attention to me -->

Ami i goth?No. Am i emo?No...Are you sexual or a whore?? Lol no. I am a girl whos not a stuck up bitch.I am a girl whos normal and doesnt get aids by her boyfriend.Flirting in here?? Yeah trust me bby i won't reply when you say something like ''hey cutie'' but sometimes i do.That makes me smile when people say that though:].

Welcome to the Show

You’ve seen that seeing is believing

Hey the name is SAM.And im not new at this.I like flirting but no computer its a fucking waste of time.I curse alot,but im not a bitch like some are.I have a myspace and a site.I am unbelievably nice to everyone:] unless you tick me off.Anyways theres alot of things about me but can't really mention.Anyways comment,message whatever:].Peace.


The Girl

Myspace?:Ask me


People are bitches and fuckers:P..


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